Feline cutaneous atopic syndrome: Case Report

Ana Beatriz Sampaio Pinheiro, Victor Machado de Carvalho, Diana Célia Sousa Nunes Pinheiro, Tiago Cunha Ferreira


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inflammatory, itchy and chronic disease and is characterized by a predisposition to develop signs of hypersensitivity after repeated exposure to allergens that in most cases are aeroallergens (pollen and mites). Its development is related to the interaction between genetic and environmental factors that promote changes in the skin barrier. This facilitates the transepidermal penetration of allergens, which come into contact with immune cells present in the skin, triggering an immune response by Th2 lymphocytes. These, in turn, stimulate a high production of IgE, which activates mast cells, stimulating the release of chemical mediators, culminating in the inflammatory process characteristic of AD. In this case, a 7-year-old castrated, spayed female cat weighing 3,900 kg was seen. The animal had intense itching and skin lesions since the age of 1.5 years, which were responsive to the steroid, but when weaning was performed, the lesions returned. On physical examination, the animal presented plaque lesions in the abdominal and axillary region and abrasions in the left ear. The animal was initially treated with cyclosporine and prednisolone, which showed good improvement of the symptoms presented, but had some side effects such as diarrhea, sneezing and nasal and ocular secretion and gingival hyperplasia, which were treated with Fanciclovir and azithromycin-based paste. The animal improved its symptoms after the treatment and even after weaning from cyclosporine it remained well and with a good response to the treatment


Hypersensitivity reaction. Cyclosporine. Skin lesion pattern.


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