Cutaneous mucinosis in shar-pei - Case report

Nayara Magalhães Rodrigues, Maria de Jesus Andréia Rabelo Accioly, Breno Queiroz Pinheiro, Juliana Furtado Lima Verde, Tiago Cunha Ferreira


Cutaneous mucinosis is the excessive deposition of mucin in the dermis and hair follicles, being frequent in Shar-Pei dogs due to their skin roughness. This disease can be primary or secondary, the primary being of genetic origin and the secondary acquired. The clinical presentation is variable, with skin thickening, focal, multifocal or diffuse vesicular lesions, among others, and the places most affected by these lesions are the chest and pelvic limbs, the neck and the head of the animal. The definitive diagnosis can be obtained by performing histopathological examination. The present study aimed to report a clinical case of cutaneous mucinosis in a Shar-pei canine with vesicular lesions located on the anterior, posterior, periocular regions and pinna, the lesions contained a colorless and viscous aspect content. The diagnosis of cutaneous mucinosis was established through histopathological examination and the treatment was instituted in two moments, in the first, topical mupirocin and shampoo containing phytosphingosine and fomblin were administered, in the second, topical hydrocortisone aceponate and shampoo containing modified urea and omega-3 were used. The animal had remission of the lesions, and quarterly monitoring was recommended for better control of the disease.




racial dermatosis, vesicular dermatitis


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