Crescimento da curimatã comum, Prochilodus cearaensis (Steindachner,1911) em sistema de recirculação de água (SRA) em três diferentes densidades de estocagem.

Maria Audália Marques de Carvalho, Raimundo Bezerra da Costa, Luana da Anunciação Silva, Cecilia Guedes de Oliveira, Luiz Antônio Moreira Miranda Miranda, Lucas Paes Martins, Ronaldo de Oliveira Sales, José Oriani Farias


Juvenile fish of Prochilodus cearensis with different initial sizes (n = 180), but of the same age and representing three different stocking densities (DE): Group P (small; DE = 0.09g.L-1), Group M (medium ; DE = 0.15g.L-1) and Group G (large; DE = 0.3g.L-1) were distributed in four 1000L tanks in a simple closed recirculation system (RAS) in order to investigate captive growth. Commercial feed (FreeRibe 35% PB) for fish was supplied three times a day. The stocking density (DE) influenced fish growth in terms of final biomass (B), biomass gain (GB) and final average weight (PM). Group P with an initial PM of 1.9g and DE 0.09g.L-1 through compensatory growth, reached biomass, biomass gain and average final weight higher than groups M and G respectively. The separation of individuals by weight and total length suggests the possibility of a more homogeneous growth in the production of common curimatã, reducing the effect of dominance and heterogeneous growth. Although in this simple SRA module, curimatã has not achieved satisfactory growth, its production in captivity can be used to feed more noble meat fish with greater commercial value. However, it is suggested that stress tests be carried out to verify the level of confinement on the well-being of common curimatã in SARS. In addition, different from commercial feed formulations, probably containing a higher percentage of antioxidants and adapted to the dietary habit of iliophages / detritivores need to be tested in order to find the best solution for the maximum growth of P. cearensis in captivity.


Prochilodus cearensis; weight gain; stocking density


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