Shelf life of Yellow Hake: Determinant factors for safe consumption

Mariele Coral de Moraes, Gabriela Fernandes Del Vale, Érica Tiemi Haga, Laís Mariano Zanin, Diogo Timóteo da Cunha, Elke Stedefeldt, Anna Rafaela Cavalcante Braga, Sascha Habu


The quality of fish is affected by various factors such as, source species, freshness, and storage conditions. In free markets, exposure and handling of fish are intense, and often it is not known the origin and date of capture. The aim this work was study physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory parameters to determine the shelf life of Yellow Hake sold in street markets in the city of Santos-SP. Samples were acquired in street markets from different districts of the city and stored in a domestic refrigerator for 72 hours. And it was found that the Yellow Hake acquired on open street markets in the city of Santos-SP should be for immediate consumption. The changes are noticeable deterioration after 24 hours of storage. The results reinforce the importance of the implementation of quality programs in all sectors of sale to ensure food safety for consumers.


quality control; shelf life; fresh fish.


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