Dragon's blood (Croton lechleri Mull., Arg.): an update on the chemical composition and medical applications of this natural plant extract. A review

Thiago Vaz Lopes, Samuel Rodrigues Félix, Sandro de Vargas Schons, Márcia de Oliveira Nobre


Plants of the amazon region are commonly applied for medicinal uses, foremost among these is the latex producing Croton lechleri. The taspine rich latex has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and soothing properties, among several others. This review summarizes the most important research findings regarding the applications of this plant extract. Public receptiveness to plant based treatments result in indiscriminate use of these compounds, often with no scientific validation. Likewise, Croton lechleri extracts must be subjected to safety testing and clinical trials before its products are made available, in a commercial scale, with recognized therapeutic functions.  

Key words: Herbal, Croton lecheri, taspine, update.


herbal; Croton lecheri; taspine, update.


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