Black hair follicular dysplasia in a dog – case report

Isielle da Nóbrega Rodrigues, Alexandre Tavares Camelo Oliveira, Breno Queiroz Pinheiro, Tiago Cunha Ferreira, Diana Célia Sousa Nunes-Pinheiro


Black-hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD) is a hereditary genetic disease that leads to the occurrence of cutaneous changes in the skin and hair in areas of black hair coverage, such as hypotrichosis, alopecia, melanoderma and scaling. Since it is a rare cutaneous disease, the aim of this work is to report a case of BHFD in a Pinscher dog, aging approximately 6 years old, in Fortaleza. The dog presented diffuse hypotrichosis in the dorsolateral, neck and limb regions since it was 8 months of age. Parasitological exams, fungal culture, dosage of thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) and thyroxine (T4), trichogram and skin biopsy, for histopathological examination were performed. The results were negative for infectious, parasitic or endocrine diseases, and in association with macroscopic findings, the animal was diagnosed with BHFD. The treatment was based on the use of supportive therapy, an end to prevention the occurrence of secondary infections. It is concluded that BHFD is a dermatological condition present in the clinical routine, suggesting the attention of the Veterinarian in order to improve the identification of patients affected by the disease.


genetical diseases, hypotrichosis, alopecia, melanin, canine skin diseases


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