Retrospective survey of neoplastic disease in dogs

Daniel de Araújo Viana, Kaio Moraes de Farias, Carlos Eduardo Bastos Lopes, Aline Mesquita Miranda, Ana Carolina Landim Pacheco, Leonardo Peres Souza, Diana Magalhães de Oliveira, Lúcia Daniel Machado da Silva


Abstract: Neoplastic disease has become an important disease in domestic dogs over the years even though in veterinary medicine there is a lack of census of neoplasms. This report describes the tumor distribution between 2003-2011 in Fortaleza (northeastern region of Brazil). A total of 1,008 samples of spontaneous tumour growths in dogs from various tumor sites were obtained. The most affected sites were skin (52.98%; n=534) and mammary tissue (33.43%; n=337). Almost no neoplasms occurred in the respiratory system (0.10%; n=1). The most affected breed of dogs were Poodles (27.68%; n=279) and Crossbreeds (19.05%; n=192), the majority of them females (61.60%; n=621), stricken with malignant neoplasms, comprising 53.47% of all cases (n=539). The median age was 7.9 years (ranging from 3 months to 19.7 years) and most dogs were 1-8 years (57.54%; n=580) or over 8 years (37.68%; n=407).


Cancer; Canine; Tumor Survey.


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