Natural history and biological aspects of Dipsadidae snakes: P. olfersii, P. patagoniensis and P. nattereri

Francisco Sérgio Lopes Vasconcelos-Filho, Roberta Cristina da Rocha-e-Silva, Rebeca Horn Vasconcelos, Joselito de Oliveira Neto, João Alison de Moraes Silveira, Glayciane Bezerra de Morais, Nathalie Ommundsen Pessoa, Janaina Serra Azul Monteiro Evangelista


Attacks by venomous snakes are a serious public health problem, accounting for 464 deaths from 2010 to 2013. However, this statistic does not seem to correspond with reality, as some poisonous snakes are not considered poisonous due to anatomic location of their fangs. The genus Philodryas belongs to the family Dipsadidae, comprising over 700 species. Philodryas olfersii, P. patagoniensis and P. nattereri, occur in the Caatinga biome and are characterized by diurnal habits, generalist diet and habitat. Although not considered poisonous, the Duvernoy's gland present in these reptiles produces toxic substances that act similar to B. jararaca and may cause local and systemic effects.



venom Effect; biome; reproductive cycle; sexual dimorphism


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