Salmonella spp Lignieres 1900 (Enterobacteriales: Enterobacteriaceae) IN Informally Sold Broilers
Brazil is one of the largest producers and exporters of poultry. Although the growth of the poultry industry provided a source of high protein rates, the intensive rearing of poultry with its exponential increase with more birds per square meter, favored the installation and multiplication of pathogens such as Salmonella that has become a great concern in the poultry industry. There are numberless independent firms and poultry producers in the state of Bahia, Brazil, that sell live chicken to meet demands of establishments that sell birds hailing from illegal abattoirs. A study was conducted in carcasses collected from six different establishments, during ten weeks, in the city of Feira de Santana BA Brazil, totaling up to 60 samples, to evaluate the occurrence of Salmonella in broilers. Results show a 28.3% occurrence of the pathogen. The above situation is a general warning on the great risk to which consumers may be exposed. It should also be underscored that the broilers were slaughtered and processed in poor sanitary and hygienic standards with total disregard to current legislation.
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